Friday, March 6, 2009

Just A Gun Lovin' Gal

I don't quite get the current fascination with guns, or for that matter, the predominantly Republican obsession with them.

Should owning a gun be legal? Sure, I think so. But why would you really want one, other than for hunting?

Buying a gun for protection is something understandable (although I might take a different position personally), but can't the line quickly get blurred between what is protection and what is aggressive (called necessity)? I like to believe that the U.S. citizens will not become a panicked nation of anarchy, but if it did... let's look at a scenario.

A weapon begins with protecting your loved ones. It also includes protecting your assets. Then it's all about survival. If things were really this bad, where theft and violence is at an incredible level, what makes you think survival won't dictate what you feel you "deserve?" Or what will stop you from taking from the weaker in the name of provision for you own family. It's sort of a microcosm of international situations (even with our own country recently).

And of all things, it is becoming popular to teach young women how to shoot guns. If Glenn's daughter is crying after using a gun at target practice, don't you think she might cry a little more after shooting/maiming/killing somebody with said gun. I know my three female cousins recently started learning to shoot, and their extreme delight and love of their new loaded friend seriously perplexes and scares me.

Are we going to solve our problems by killing our problems? Or just by scaring them enough through our power (gun)? It's a funny belief for a "Christian Nation" to uphold, when Jesus seemed to uphold us being different people, in a world that is gun happy.

I'm sure there are lots of varying opinions out there on this subject on how important and prevalent guns should be. Leave some comments and share, please.