Sunday, March 23, 2008

Married To God Or Married To A Hottie?

I've been thinking about myself in lines with dating/marriage stuff. The truth is, I don't really know what I think about it. Truth be told (and anyone reading this probably already knows) I am not so great with the ladies. Regardless of this, or maybe partially because of this, I don't even know if that's the lifestyle I'm being called to.

I want to follow the call of God with my all, and sometimes I wonder if a wife would hinder that. At the same time I also wonder if a wife would help that, or if I'd go crazy being single for the rest of my life.

I look at the words Jesus said in Matthew 19. It's like Jesus is saying that there is hope even without a significant other. Some have this thrust upon them because how they were born or what others have done to them, but then there are those who willingly give it up for a higher cause.

But then again Paul says that it's better to marry than to burn with passion. Now what he's referencing here might be sexual or just that desire that Adam had for a counterpart. Either way the idea seems to be that if you can't control whatever this urge is, it can be distracting and unhealthy. God has called the union between man and woman good, so if it's called good and you want it, might as well go for it. Paul says it's good to stay unmarried, like him, but that it's fine if you can't do that. Perhaps it can be much wiser for the sake of the ministry to not marry if possible.

I guess in either verse it's not a straight forward thing, it's a one or the other. Neither are wrong, but maybe one is more right than the other on a person to person basis.

To me there are certainly attractive aspects to a life in humble service to God, by being free to do whatever he can imagine for me; as well as a life in humble service to God via my bodaciously hott/fun/caring wife.

If anyone has more insight on what these scriptures are saying historically/culturally, if you have more scriptures that should be looked at, or if you just have life experience or thoughts to share, all are welcome.

This is a very open post that requires your interaction.

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