Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Heaven Is For Weenies

Bishop N.T. Wright, whom I have come to respect a good deal and agree with most of what he's found, was interviewed by Time Magazine I guess.

The interview is about some of the ideas being brought forth, or maybe you could say re-emerging, from Wright's new book Surprised by Hope. After checking out that Amazon link, it's longer than I expected... but most of his stuff is. I bought a couple of his books that are close to 800 pages I believe (big page, small print).

Wright is a very well-studied man, who seems to be one of the driving forces behind the newer trend of Evangelicals to start getting historical and Jewish in their interpretation of scripture.

Here is the link for the interview.

One question that I'm surprised wasn't asked is "What does this mean about hell?" I guess it was kind of danced around, but never really gone after.

I think hell as a final PUNISHMENT is a very human idea. We'd rather give someone eternal retribution for something they've done wrong, than to help them into something new. I agree punishment can be a good and necessary thing, but I don't know if I agree eternal punishment can be. Like I've stated before, the word justice is the same as the word righteousness in the Bible. I think God's ultimate goal is to help make us, or lead us toward a life that is, good/righteous. Also, just remember that pretty much every mention of "hell" in the Bible doesn't refer to what we think of as hell. It's either a garbage dump, an illustration from Greek/Roman mythology, or a word meaning "pit" (in the OT).

I'll have to get his new book so I can see what Wright has to say about hell ( I would hope it would be covered in 352 pages).

What do you think of what I or Wright have to say?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two letters.

A) I work plenty. So when I have the ability to take fifteen minutes to write a blog, I embrace it. And I never let it go. Until the fifteen minutes are up.

Then I drop it. Like it's hot. Drop it like it's hot. Drop it like it's hot. Drop it like it's hot.

B) I'm not sure. You're supposed to? I don't know yet, I really don't know how to manage that ad account thing.