Thursday, February 21, 2008

MOOOOOOVE Over, I'm Gonna Eat Me Somma 'Dat Crap

"Yum yum yum yum! I love me some fast food!"

If the statement above expresses how you feel, you should very much watch the movie Fast Food Nation. You will say "No I shouldn't, I'm content." Whether or not you want to, doesn't change the fact that you should.

This movie is about the quite literal "crap" that the wealthy food industry promotes to us as delicious food. It might be early in the blog for this, but let me say there is some irony here. This movie intends to expose lies and marketing to the naked eye. At the same time this movie is full of sex that doesn't need to be there. Be it the TV audio of a lesbian sex scene that a character is watching or the few sex scenes (at least one with nudity). I understand that maybe the later scene may have some merit, since it is displaying manipulation of immigrants, but of course the women in those scenes are very attractive. It's using its own form of lies and marketing to sell a movie to expose different lies and marketing. Ugh.

I won't spoil the whole movie, but this film addresses corporate fat-cat corruption, the governments imposition oh private property, treatment of illegal immigrants, quality of our food, and misguided rationalizing of why these wrongs must be done.

This is not a documentary. It is a movie. But the theme and content of the movie is designed to be an echo of reality, just with fictional characters and companies. I would compare it to Blood Diamond in that regard (I highly recommend that movie as well).

I really like the way the present that the problem isn't just with us eating crap-filled, low-grade, fake food; but rather it is in the deterioration of our way of living by the overcrowding of "convenience" and corporations, rather than simplicity and humility. That is what separates this film from one like Supersize Me. Supersize Me warns consumers of the harm that may come to us, privately, from eating fast food. Fast Food Nation warns people of the harm that may come to us, collectively, by feeding into the machine. It is not just personal, but systemic outcome.

Maybe this analysis has turned you off from the movie. I do believe that this is what it was going for, but if you want to watch it just for a few of the aspects, you will still get something out of it.

And people think I'm crazy for not eating meat.

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